lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

"Tell Me When It's Time to Say I Love You"

Esta es la letra que pude encontrar de está bella canción de Green Day ^^ se llama "Tell Me When It's Time to Say I Love You" sé si será la correcta...en fin ^^...gusta esta composición :P

"Tell Me When It's Time to Say I Love You - Green Day"

Words get trapped in my mind
Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do
Cause the first day you came into my life
And time ticks around you

But Then I need your voice
And the key to our call of love and tragedy

So tell me when it's time to say I love you

All I wanted you to understand
That when I took her in, it's cause I want to
We are all brought in a world of doubt
There's no doubt, I figured out I love you

I've been on the floor
All the losers that remember to take the time to say
What is really on their mind itself
They decide away

Yet they'll never have someone
Like you do right now to help along the way
Or tell them when it's time to say I love you
So tell me when it's time to say I love you

Fuente: Green Day Community

El video de la canción:

"Lluvia de sangre y truenos de Aleshka"

...Una mañana salia sangre por la nariz, no fui al colegio y no he visto a Lorena...que siempre la miro en los recreos.¡Qué dia!...toda la mañana el doctor me hacia doler con la agua oxigenada y con un poco de algodon o gaza, queria dormir, pero me sentia incomodo, ya no quiero que me inyecten una medicina aceitosa...duele horrible...en la tarde...conversando con mi hermanita y con Aleshka...qué cosa le estará pasando a Aleshka?, me preocupa y mucho...almenos espero que mañana esté bien y tambien mi nariz...tengo los labios muy secos...tomaré agua para que eso me pase...y despues...a la cama... y pensar solo en ella...en Aleshka.